Councillor vacancies

Nettleham Parish Council currently has three vacancies for Parish Councillors.  


“If you are passionate about your local community, we need you. Councillors make a huge difference to the quality of life of local people and how local issues are dealt with. We need people from all backgrounds and experiences who reflect the communities they serve to put themselves forward” – Local Government Association 


To download a co-option application form click here.


To read our co-option policy click here


More information about being a Parish Councillor can be found in The Good Councillor’s Guide


Training and support is available to all councillors. 


If you would like to ask anything else  about being a Nettleham Parish Councillor please contact


Forms received by noon on the 2nd Tuesday of the month will be considered at the meeting that month.

Forms can be returned by email to or to the Parish office:

The Parish Office                                                                        

Scothern Road                                                                   


Lincoln LN2 2TU