The cost of a cemetery plot
Please read the following about eligibility to purchase a grave burial plot.
A (grave) burial plot for interment may only be purchased for the burial of a deceased resident of the parish OR a deceased person who otherwise had a close association (1) with the parish of Nettleham at the time of death.
At the time of purchase or within one calendar month thereafter, a neighbouring (grave) burial plot may be purchased for future use by a close family member of the deceased who is a resident of the parish OR who otherwise has a close association (2) with the parish.
Cremated remains plots may be purchased for the interment of ashes of either a resident or non-resident, as required.
Definition of Close Association
Close association applies in two distinct circumstances:
(1) Burial Eligibility: The deceased must have had a demonstrable, significant previous residency in the parish, with extenuating circumstances for departure (e.g., relocation for care needs). Additionally, a partner, parent, or child of the deceased must be a current resident of the
parish. The Clerk’s decision on meeting the criteria will be final.
(2) Purchasing an Adjacent Grave for Future Use: A close family member of the deceased who is a resident of the parish may be eligible to purchase a neighbouring plot for future use. For this purpose, a close family member is defined as a spouse/partner, parent, child, or sibling of the
deceased. In the case of a non-resident close family member, eligibility will be based on the criteria set out in point (1).
Burial Ground Fees