Minutes - 17 July 2019 - NPC

Minutes of a meeting of the Nettleham Parish Council Property Committeeheld on Wednesday 17th July 2019 at The Old School Nettleham 
PRESENT: Cllrs J Downs (JD) (Chair); P McNeill (PM), P Jenkinson (PJ), J Evans (JE), D Newsam (DN), J Clayton (JC)
Also in attendance: D/Cllr A White; Mrs M Vail (Facilities Manager) (FM) and six members of the public.
Public Forum
All were welcomed.  The members of public were given opportunity to address the meeting; and they raised the following points:
  • One resident spoke regarding the Bill Baileys Playing Field Play Equipment project; including to note concerns that two key issues of noise and anti-social behaviour were not being adequately addressed; and hoping that full council will look to review the siting of the equipment (note: residents had submitted a joint letter of concern to the Parish Office on 2nd July 2019; and copies of this were circulated to Members at the meeting).  
  • A second resident requested information/evidence regarding the Bill Baileys Playing Field Play Equipment project under Freedom of Information and was advised to submit this request to the clerk.   
  • A third resident noted that in his opinion there had been a lack of consultation with neighbouring residents and with school children.  
Noted that the project had been discussed in open meetings at 1) full council in November 2018; 2) Property Committee on 22 January 2019, and 3) full council on 12th February 2019; and that a village wide consultation had been carried out approximately 30 months ago. 
At 7.47pm two residents left the meeting.
Due to the absence of the speaker, the planned short presentation at this point in the meeting to seek support for a proposed community project in Nettleham entitled ReBee, was not able to take place
Meeting started at 7.47pm. 
65/19 Receive apologies and accept reasons for absence: None received.
66/19 Declarations of Interest: No declarations of interest were made.
67/19 Approve Draft Notes of the Meeting held on 5 June 2019:
It was proposed, seconded and resolved, with all in favour, to approve the draft notes as a true record.
68/19 Facilities Manager’s Report; including to resolve on any actions:
 Following submission and discussion of the Facilities Managers report it was confirmed:
  • Burial ground survey update – revised quote to be considered by Burial Ground Working Party 
  • Swathe burial extension update – meetings are scheduled for 24th July 2019  Action: PM to research a third company
  • Village Green phone box update – has been reglazed.  Cleaning; and fitting of old style phone are due in near future.
  • New Greetwell Lane permissive path update- issues with the path have been sorted out.
  • Damaged bench on Vicarage Lane update- police have closed the case as unsolved due to lack of witnesses.
  • Feedback from supplier regarding winter planting requirements – Members agreed not to use volunteers, but to continue using the current supplier.
  • Feedback from meeting with Junior School regarding burial ground boundary fencing – initial meeting took place on 10th July 2019 with the aim of the school starting the ball rolling.  They would like some financial input from NPC in respect of the boundary with the burial ground. 
  • Xmas lights update – Festive Market organisers will be fund raising for the lights and will contact NPC once funds have been raised.  Confirmed that they will buy the lights for NPC.
69/19 Working Groups:
Play Equipment – various designs for Bill Baileys Project are still under consideration.  Wicksteed has supplied the footprints for the play items; allowing for better ‘on the ground’ considerations.
Beck – a report from Lincs Rivers Trust is expected in the near future, after which the group can meet.  
Swathe – the group can meet following meetings with contractors on 24th July.
Mulsanne Park – a meeting is scheduled for 15th August.
70/19 Mulsanne Park Boundary
70/19.1 Approve quote to remove existing metal post and chain link fence:
A double sided boundary fence set 1mtr inside the boundary line has been erected by the developer.  NPC to remove the remains of the old fence and to replace with stakes to denote the boundary line (a length of 50.59 mtrs running from end of concrete wall to south boundary of park).  It was proposed, seconded and resolved, with all in favour, to approve a quote of £495.00 + VAT for this work.  Action:  FM
71/19 Tree Matters
71/19.1  Agree on future tree inspections:
As the Honorary Tree Advisor has resigned, NPC needs an alternative way to manage its estate of approx. 7500 trees to ensure they are safe and looked after.  A suggestion for an electronic mapping system which will allow for photos, GPS plotting, inspection notes and required work was positively received.  Volunteers for this project will be needed. Action: clerk to take to full council
71/19.2  Approve quote to reduce height of tree (Larch Ave play area):
Action:  all to inspect tree.  No action to be taken unless, after looking at the tree, Members wish to discuss it further.
71/19.3  To consider any actions required in respect of resident’s concerns about tree in Mulsanne Park car park overhanging their property:
Noted that this matter has previously come to NPC.  Professional advice is that 1) if the resident cuts the branches back to their boundary, then the tree’s stability will not be affected, and 2) not to ‘top’ the tree.  Agreed to advise the resident that, should he decide to prune overhanging branches, the work should be carried out by a competent person and in such a manner so that disease cannot be introduced into an otherwise healthy tree.  
72/19 Financial Monitoring Reports 
72/19.1   Review of expenditure:
Confirmed that NPC had had to pay WLDC upfront for its refuse bins.
72/19.2To approve recent/proposed expenditure:
Noted that the Chair of Property Committee; or Chairman of NPC plus the clerk; can authorize up to £2000 expenditure on work subject to Financial Regulations relating to quotations and the placing of Orders, and that this can be ratified at a later meeting.  Committee can approve up to £5000.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED, with all in favour, to ratify the following expenditure:
  • summer planting ahead of Best Kept Village Competition at £700.60 + VAT
  • Health and Safety Assistance Retainer Renewal at £600.00 + VAT
  • remedial work in respect of stoned path at kissing gates into Burial Ground/Swathe at £540.00 + VAT
  • new gate and section of fencing to close off gap between burial ground/Swathe at £862.98 + VAT
  • fire extinguisher testing at £262.52 + VAT
  • emergency lighting test at £300.00 + VAT
  • fire alarm tests at £140.00 + VAT 
  • PAT test at £98.40 + VAT
  • Replace 6 x fire alarm sensors in Old School Large Hall at £196.93 + VAT
  • restore Old School room floors at £2295.00 + VAT
In respect of a replacement bench and fixings (Vicarage Lane) – as noted earlier, the police had closed this case as unsolved due to the absence of a witness.  No decision was taken by Members to either approve or ratify replacing the bench or the associated expenditure as Members considered that the perpetrator should be approached.  Action: clerk  
72/19.3 To resolve that future expenditure on annual Health and Safety jobs be approved on an ongoing basis until further notice:
Due to earlier clarification that the Property Committee/clerk can approve up to £2000 expenditure on work, and that this can be ratified at a later meeting; this item has become redundant so was not discussed.
73/19 Dog Control Orders:
A report compiled by two ex-councillors was circulated and considered; with actions to review signage and report back as follows:
  • PJ - Bishops Meadow/Bishops Palace/the Swathe 
  • DN – Mulsanne Park and Bill Baileys Playing Field
At this point D/Cllr White advised that she would be referring to this in her report to the Parish Council; and that WLDC can create a Public Space Protection Order.  WLDC’s Regulatory Committee had discussed matters at its meeting on June 6, 2019. D/Cllr White then left the meeting at 9.02pm.
74/19 Councillors Report on Areas of Responsibility:
  • Members were reminded to report ongoing items to the FM to progress, and that more major items should come to the Property Committee for consideration.
  • Correspondence had been received relating to the allotments.  PM was given a copy.
  • Beck – is dry at the moment causing some slight issues eg silt, vegetation growth.  Action: FM to arrange for cleanup of Church section.
  • Kingsway bank is not being strimmed to its base.  Action: FM
  • Vegetation is bad at Kingsway – wait until Beck report is received before progressing.
  • Quality of grass cutting has declined dramatically over 2018. Action: FM
  • Mulsanne Park gate – after discussion regarding locking it; it was agreed to monitor; and if issues are found to increase regularly then to consider action. Action: DN to review gate signage. Noted that an orienteering group had used the car park as a meeting point without permission.
75/19 Correspondence received:
75/19.1 resident’s approach regarding a circular walking route around Nettleham:
Action: Fieldpath Working Group to consider at its September 2019 meeting.  Action: FM to reply to resident.
Action: DN to progress point by resident regarding an outdoor gym. 
75/19.2 resident’s approach regarding matters relating to bees:
Resident has suggested the donation of a designated spot to sow flower seeds for bees.  Members suggested that the approach road into the village would be good (LCC land); also the village hall bank (Action:  JC); also the bank alongside the beck behind the Old School (Action: Beck Working Group) 
Action: FM to reply to resident.
76/19 Future Agenda Items: None 
77/19 Date of Next  Meeting: Next meeting Tuesday 24th September - 7.30pm Old School Small Hall
Meeting closed at 9.27pm.       
Mrs M Vail Facilities Manager 18/7/19  