Minutes 17 April 2019 - NPC

PRESENT:Councillors: J Evans (Chairman), J Siddall (Vice-Chairman), M Leaning, Mrs J Clayton, Mrs A White, J Hill, G McNeill, R Porter, T Williams, M Spencer.
In attendance: Mrs D Locker (Parish Clerk) and 6 members of the public. 
Councillors not present:  Councillors:  J Downs, D Newsam
Commencing at 8.15pm
Public Forum
The Chairman announced that before opening the meeting, members of the public in attendance had an opportunity to address the Parish Council, on any matter, during the 15 minute public session.  The Chairman also expressed his thanks to all Councillors for their commitment and contributions to Council and wished those leaving in early May, an enjoyable retirement.   
County and District Councillor Reports
Written reports received from Councillors Mrs White and Cllr McNeill were circulated prior to commencement of the meeting.  
Councillor McNeill advised:
  • He had been on a tour of the Eastern By-pass works, arranged by LCC and that feedback received at the time was that the by-pass is anticipated to be open by May 2020;
  • Councillor Porter requested confirmation of who would be responsible for the open space area at Harland Way and was advised that a Management Company is responsible;
Councillor Mrs White advised:
  • Historically the Thames Ambulance service provider had received a poor rating - however, since the introduction of new leadership, their ratings appear to have improved;
  • Buddies Café, who do some tremendous work for those affected by Dementia are in need of additional financial support and have been advised to make grant applications;
  • Local residents, involved recently in a litter picking initiative, recovered a range of items and litter from around the village and it was a job well done.  There followed discussion that WLDC responded very quickly to recent reports of excessive amounts of litter on the verges along the A46 and they should be commended for their quick response;
  • The Nettleham Football Club have a new management team in place.  The Chairman requested that the WLDC representatives request a road sweeper to tour the village – to include in the vicinity of the cemetery and Vicarage Lane.  
Police Report
A report submitted by the Nettleham Neighbourhood Policing Team outlining the reported incidences from 10 March – 11 April 2019 was circulated. 
040/19. To resolve to accept apologgies and reasons for absence
Councillors: J Downs and D Newsam.  It was proposed, seconded and resolved: That apologies and reasons for absence be noted and accepted. Unanimous
041/19. Disclosure of pecuniary interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations 
Declarations of a non-pecuniary interest were received from: Cllr Evans and Cllr Hill in respect of item 5(a) on the agenda relating to reimbursement of expenses.
042/19.Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 19 March 2019 to be approved as the minutes
It was proposed, seconded and resolved: That the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 19 March 2019  be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman. Unanimous 
043/19.  Clerks report on matters outstanding (information only)
The Clerk updated the Parish Council on the following matters:
  • LCC have contacted the Clerk advising that the authority would be happy to meet with Councillors to discuss any proposals put forward by the Parish Council for introduction of new traffic restrictions.
  • The LCC grass cutting grant agreement has been signed by the Chairman and returned.
  • The agreement for introduction of the new permissive bridleway, off Greetwell Lane, has been signed and returned to Truelove Property & Developments.
044/19.  Financial Matters
a) To ratify payments made – 01/3/19 to 31/3/19
It was proposed, seconded and resolved: That the Council duly ratify the payments made (shown as Appendix 1). Unanimous
b) To consider the Income & Expenditure Report and Account Information
Councillors considered the contents of the Income & Expenditure report (shown - Appendix 2) and summary sheet setting out the monies held in the Council’s bank accounts as at the 31/03/19. The Chairman advised that the unallocated reserve figure at 31/3/19 was around the same level as at the end of last year. The Chairman checked the account summary sheet against copies of the bank statements which were duly signed off as a true statement of monies held, in bank accounts.
c) Confirmation of Public Works Loan Balance outstanding at 31/03/19
The outstanding loan balance figures were noted.
d) To consider a grant request for Nettleham Festive Market 2019
Whilst Councillors acknowledged that the Festive Market is a major event for the Parish and the organisers had to cover a range of expenses, some concern was also expressed that, if agreed, would take almost a third of the Council’s total grants budget at the start of the financial year. 
It was proposed, seconded and resolved: That the Council agree the grant request of £300 for Nettleham Festive Market 2019. For: - 6;   Against - 4
045/19. Planning matters
It was proposed, seconded and resolved: To approve the comments produced by the Planning Liaison Committee for (a)(1 – 4) For: 9, Abstention: 1
a) To receive recommendations or observations on the following planning applications:-
1) Community Hub - 1 East Street - Miss J Oliver 139210. Application for advertisement consent for 3no. non-illuminated wall mounted signs. The Planning Liaison Committee have No Comment to make on this Application
2) Brown Cow Inn, Lincoln Rd  - Mr R Wilkinson - 139176. Planning application for change of use of public house to 3no. one bed dwellings including demolition of various rear extensions, erect 5no. three bed dwellings, and associated works. Nettleham Parish Council Objects to this application for the following reasons:
Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan:
Policy H-1 Managed Housing growth.
This Policy requires that new development should be focused on the sites allocated within the NNP. The Council would also make the point that CLLP Policy LP52 re-enforces the principle that development should take place on allocated sites and has allocated sites for such development. The NNP provided for 180 new dwellings whilst the CLLP has allocated sites for 237 dwellings. This constitutes an increase in dwellings of some 57 or 31% over and above the NNP. However, in practice the village currently has some 270 new dwellings either proposed or approved which increases the number by a further 33 or 14% over and above the CLLP allocation. So Nettleham is already providing some 90 dwellings, equating to 50% more than the NNP requires. An additional 8 dwellings are not required to meet the CLLP allocation; indeed the village has already far exceeded its allocation.
The proposal also conflicts with CLLP Policy LP2 (para 4), which requires that development in Large Villages should be focused on allocated sites within the CLLP. 
Policy D-3 Parking Provision.
This application is for 3 x 1 bed dwellings and 5 x 3 bed dwellings and provides for a total of 15 parking spaces.  The NNP Policy requires a total of 21 parking spaces to service that number of dwellings.
Inadequate car parking capacity will lead to dangerous parking on the slip road onto the A46 from Nettleham.
Policy D-4 Water Resources/Sewage and Drainage.
The applicant intends to dispose of Foul Sewage into the main sewer. The Council contends that the sewage system in the village is already operating above capacity which causes foul sewage to pollute the Beck. Any additional sewage disposal will only exacerbate the existing problem.
Policy D-6 Design of New Development.
a) The properties in the vicinity of the site are relatively large with space between them. They are low-key in appearance. This development is completely out of character with other properties in the area.
b) To seek to develop 8 dwellings on an area of 1438 m2 (0.1438 ha) indicates a density of some 55 units per ha. The NNP allows for a density of 20 units per ha and this is mirrored by CLLP   Policy LP52.
e) The site is set on high ground as viewed from the Beck and nothing has been proposed to mitigate the visual impact on the existing village concept and wider countryside setting.
f) This section seeks to retain mature trees. The applicant has stated that there are no trees on the site, which is correct. The applicant fails to mention that all the mature trees were felled immediately prior to the submission of this application.
The proposal also conflicts with CLLP Policy LP26 relating to Design Principles, paragraphs c, g, h, i and j.
The proposed designs and density are more appropriate to an urban environment rather than the sensitive edge of a village setting which needs to be protected.
CLLP Policy LP10
This requires developments of 6 or more dwellings to provide 30% of those dwellings to be built to the higher M4(2) Accessibility standard. The application makes no reference to Accessibility at all.
The Parish Council notes that the applicant has not submitted any documents to support the rationale behind this proposal. It can only assume that this is therefore a blatant attempt to profit from the overdevelopment of a visually important site on the outskirts of Nettleham.
3) Land West of Deepdale Enterprise Park, Deepdale Lane - The Long Leys Trust - 139190. Planning application to vary condition 4 of planning permission 134036 granted 2nd June 2016   re: construction of footway. The Planning Liaison Committee have No comment to make on this application 
4) 16 Cliff Avenue - Mr R Cottan - 139190. Planning application for open sided front carport open sided shelter to rear. The Planning Liaison Committee have No Objection to this application
(b) Appeals, Consents, Refusals and Withdrawals received
 i) Appeals – none
(ii) Consents/Approval of Reserved Matters 
  • 38 Lodge Lane - Mr & Mrs J Dhindsa - 139054. Application to vary condition 6 and remove condition 9 of planning permission 130845.  Target Decision date 11/04/19 – Officer Report – Grant subject to conditions.
  • Pendle, Welton Road - Mr G Lidgett - 139048. Application for single storey and two story extensions and other alterations. Granted – subject to conditions 04/04/19
iii) Refusals – None
(c) Tree Applications – None
(d) Update on outstanding planning matters – none 
046/19. Council Matters
a) To receive an update about the Park and Stride Initiative
Council were advised that the ‘March March’ initiative, coordinated by Nettleham Junior School and LCC and supported by the Parish Council was considered an overwhelming success; the overall aim being to encourage more children and parents to walk to school.  During discussion concern was raised that the LCC owned buildings and carpark, at the Linelands, had now been fenced off thereby removing it for use for local parking, including for parents picking up children from the Infant school. It was proposed, seconded and resolved: That the Clerk write to the Head Teacher at Nettleham Junior School offering ongoing support for the park and stride initiative and The Chairman to liaise with the local LCC Councillor to discuss the potential for the car park area to be available for use, at Linelands. Unanimous  
b) To consider the Revised Draft Volunteer Policy
Following discussion it was proposed, seconded and resolved:To agree and adopt the Volunteer Policy Unanimous
c) To discuss undertaking a review of the existing Committee Structure and Standing Orders 
It was proposed, seconded and resolved:  To create a Planning Liaison Committee Sub-Committee (to be known as the Planning Liaison Panel) to consider and propose Council’s response to planning applications and update Council Standing Orders and terms of reference accordingly.Unanimous
047/19. Property Committee Matters 
a) To consider the articles list for submission to Nettleham Matters
The contents were noted which is subject to changes as directed by Property Committee.
048/19. Correspondence received 
a) To consider nominations to LALC ‘Shining Stars Awards’
It was proposed, seconded and resolved: That Councillors Leaning and Hill be nominated for the LALC Long Service Achievement Award and that the former Clerk be nominated for the Clerk of the year category (subject to this award being open to former Clerks).Unanimous
b) To consider the LCC Street Lighting Policy – January 2019.  The contents were noted.
c) Request to fly the Red ensign for Merchant Navy Day – 3 September 2019.  It was proposed, seconded and resolved: To agree to the request for the red ensign to be raised on 3 September. Unanimous 
d) Request to site Lincs Speed Watch 30 mph signs along Deepdale Lane. It was proposed, seconded and resolved:  To purchase and agree to the siting of 30mph signage subject to suitable locations being identified, across the parish, and agreed by the Lincs Road Safety Partnership. Unanimous
e) To discuss Council election nominations and Co-option to the two vacancies
Council considered information provided by WLDC giving notice that the parish election was uncontested and that Council can co-opt to the two remaining Councillor seats from 7 May 2019
It was proposed, seconded and resolved: That Council publicise the Councillor vacancies and subject to applications being received, consider these for Co-option at the meeting of the Parish Council in June 2019. Unanimous 
f) Confirmation of European Parliamentary elections polling Station, on 23 May 2019, at Old School - The information was noted by Councillors
g) To consider the LALC Service Level Agreement with member councils 2019.  This item was held over to be considered at a future meeting of the Council.
049/19. Councillor reports/Future Agenda items
  • LALC Service Level Agreement
  • Parking in the Parish (Cllr Mrs White)
050/19. Date of the next meeting.  The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 8 May, 2019 at 7.30pm at the Large Hall, The Old School, Mill Hill, Nettleham.
051/19. Motion to suspend standing orders
At 9.47pm it was proposed, seconded and resolved:  That Council suspend Standing Orders and agree the meeting continue after 10pm, for no more than 15 minutes, to allow time for further key items to be discussed. For - 9; Against – 1
052/19.To resolve to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to meetings Act 1960) to allow consideration to be given to any employment or commercially sensitive matters.
It was proposed, seconded and resolvd:To move into closed session-Unanimous
Members of the public left the meeting room
a) Appointment to post of Facilities Manager.  It was proposed, seconded and resolved:To appoint the candidate selected, following interview, subject to receipt of satisfactory references. Unanimous
b) To discuss hand over arrangements for the post of Facilities Manager.  It was proposed, seconded and resolved:To agree that the current post holder be retained for a temporary period to provide a hand over to the new Facilities Manager – the hours and duration to be agreed between the Clerk and current post holder Unanimous
c) Staff training update. It was proposed, seconded and resolved:To award, following achievement of the ILCA qualification by a member of staff, an increase in salary by one spinal point on the salary scale.Unanimous
d) Annual appraisals and Clerk’s 6 month review. It was proposed, seconded and resolved:That the Clerk, Facilities Assistant and Village Handy Person be awarded Increments and move up on the salary scale. Unanimous
e) Annual employer pension contribution update. The information provided by the pension provider was noted
f) To discuss setting of a  stand-alone hire rate for a regular booking - large kitchen, Old School
It was proposed, seconded and resolved: The request not be agreed by Council, at this time, but to take this as an item to a future meeting of the Property Committee for discussion.  For: - 6; Against: - 4
The meeting closed at 10.15 pm