Minutes - 11 December 2018 - NPC

PRESENT: Councillors:  J Evans (Chairman), J Siddall (Vice-Chairman) J Downs, T Williams, Mrs J Clayton, D Newsam, Mrs A White, J Hill.
In attendance: Mrs D Locker (Parish Clerk), and 8 members of the public. 
Commencing at 7.30pm
Public Forum
The Chairman announced that before opening the meeting, members of public in attendance had an opportunity to address the Parish Council, on any matter, during the 15 minute public session. A resident advised that they had read the Council’s ‘Beck article’ featured in the recent edition of the Nettleham Matters publication and whilst was supportive of the work that the Council was doing they felt that, following removal of the weirs, the mud may move and settle at the Vicarage Lane section which in turn could increase the potential for flooding in that area.  They suggested that the restrictive weir 150m below Vicarage Lane be also removed allowing the mud to be carried further down the beck to an area where the buildings are higher with a lesser threat of potential flooding.  During discussion Councillors reported that specialist independent advice had been sought and the work commissioned had been in line with the recommendations received.  The Chairman confirmed that the Parish Council is continually monitoring sediment levels, they will be reassessed in January/February 2019 and depending on rain level, mechanical removal of sediment may be an option for consideration, although subject to prior consent being received from private residents with Riparian rights and responsibilities, for the beck. Another member of the public advised that they were in attendance in respect of item 7(a)(2) (Planning Application:138603 - Nettleham House, East St) on the agenda and confirmed that they would take up the offer, subsequently made by the Chairman, to make representation, at the time the agenda item was due to be discussed. 
County and District Councillor Reports
Written reports received from Cllr Mrs White and Cllr McNeill were circulated prior to commencement of the meeting. In addition, Cllr Mrs White advised:
  • WLDC are moving away from providing District Councillors with paperwork with some Councillors trialling the use of an iPad as an alternative;
  • The uneven drain cover, outside of the Nettleham Chemists, where a resident had a fall, has now been rectified by LCC;
  • Riseholme Parish Council still has a sum of money available for resident and group requests.
It was also raised that it had been some time since the Parish Council had received an incident report from the Police. 
Action: The Clerk to contact the Police to request an incident report for consideration at future Parish Council Meetings.   
142/18. To resolve to accept apologies and reasons for absence
The Clerk advised that apologies and reasons for absence had been received from Councillors Leaning and Porter, It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the apologies for absence and reason be noted and accepted. Unanimous
143/18. Disclosure of pecuniary interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations 
Declarations of a non-pecuniary interest were received from: Cllr Williams relating to item 7(3), Cllr Mrs Clayton for item 7(2) and from Cllr Hill in respect of item 8, on the agenda.
The Chairman confirmed that item 11 on the agenda be moved for consideration after item 7.
144/18. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 19 November 2018 to be approved as the minutes
Cllr Williams suggested that it should be noted that the Clerk had recently been involved in her first budget preparation process and should be congratulated for their succinct reporting of the budget item in the minutes of the last meeting. There proceeded a request for clarity about circumstances when it is considered acceptable for a Councillors apology for absence, from a meeting, to be accepted by the Council. The Chairman advised that there appears to be only general guidance available about what was considered an acceptable reason for absence and suggested that rather than develop policy, a decision be made at each meeting when absences are being considered, as an agenda item.
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 19 November 2018 be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman. Unanimous – by those in attendance at that meeting.
145/18.  Clerks report on matters outstanding (information only)
The Clerk updated the Parish Council on the following matters:
  • A date has been arranged for Councillors to meet with representatives from Anglian Water  to discuss the Grantham to Lincoln Pipeline planning application;
  • The Clerk had submitted, to WLDC, the precept estimate return and feedback about recommendations for sites for forthcoming elections, in May 2019;
  • LCC have advised that they only supply salt/grit to parishes to fill the LCC owned grit bins;
  • The sum of £213.17 raised, by young people attending the National Citizens in August 2018 has now been claimed from the Gofundme site and will be held for use towards a Village Hall project. 
146/18.  Financial matters
a) Ratification of Accounts Paid
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Council duly ratify the payment of accounts shown as Appendix 1. Unanimous
b) Renewal of annual SLCC membership
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Clerk arrange payment of renewal of the annual SLCC membership. Unanimous
c) Election changes 2019 & Impact on budget
The Chairman advised that following agreement, last month, of the budget for 2019/20, additional information had been circulated to parishes, by WLDC, setting out that in the event that Parish Councillor vacancies are contested, in May 2019, the Parish Council will be required to share election related expenses with the District Council.  The Chairman recommended that the precept estimate be submitted to WLDC, as agreed, and the Council undertake a virement from General Reserves to cover any future election costs, should the need arise.  There followed discussion about making a modest annual contribution from the precept and it be set aside to cover any future election expenses, as they arise.  
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Council contribute £1,250 to be set aside for election expenses from General Reserves in 2019/20; increase the annual budget by £1,250 in future years and this also be set aside for any election expenses, as the need arises. Unanimous
d) Income & Expenditure Report – 30/11/18
Councillors considered the contents of a report detailing the Council’s Income and Expenditure from April – November 2018.  The Clerk also circulated information confirming monies held in each of the Council’s bank accounts as at 30/11/18.
At 8.10 pm it was proposed, seconded and resolved to suspend Standing Orders to hear from Nick Chambers, Chief Executive, Lace Housing Association. Unanimous
147/18.  Naming of the Lace housing scheme  - Deepdale Lane and progress report
The Chairman welcomed Mr Chambers who subsequently advised that the Association had engaged with the local infant and primary schools and two village Churches in the naming of the new housing scheme consisting of 18 bungalows and 22 apartments, off Deepdale Lane and scheduled for completion in June 2019. 
At 8.22 pm it was proposed, seconded and resolved to resume Standing Orders and re-open the meeting. Unanimous
Each of the 10 names submitted to LACE Housing, from the schools and churches were considered by Council.  It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Council’s recommendation is that the scheme’s road name be ‘Frith Road’ and the apartment building be named ‘The Burrows’.
For: - 7;   Abstentions: - 1.
148/18.  Planning Matters
(a)  Applications
It was proposed, seconded and resolved to approve/ratify the comments produced by the Planning Liaison committee for the planning applications for agenda item 7 (a)1, 3 & 4. For: - 7,  Abstentions: - 1 
(1)  19 The Green - Lincolnshire Cooperative Ltd - Ref: 138591.  Application for advertisement consent to display 1no. internally illuminated fascia sign and 1no. flat wall mounted totem.        
This Retrospective Application relates to the display of two advertising signs which are attached to the Vicarage Lane elevation of the Coop shop.
The Parish Council Objects to this Application.
The site is located in the heart of the Nettleham Conservation Area and opposite a Listed Building which is reputed to be the oldest dwelling house in the village.  The Council notes that historically the LPA has been protective of the environment within the Conservation Area. It has required that signage is low key in nature (especially in that location) with muted colouring and appropriate styling. The Parish Council is fully supportive of the LPA stance in this sensitive area.  The Council considers that the garish colouring employed on the current unapproved signage is completely at odds with the Objectives contained within the Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan relating to the village Conservation Area. It is also contrary to previously stated LPA policies.  Furthermore, the Council would suggest that the unapproved signage is contrary to the CLLP Policy LP 27, clauses h and i., reproduced below for reference.
Advertisements - All proposals for the display of advertisements will have to comply with relevant national regulations and guidance. Where advertisement consent is required, such consent will be permitted if the proposal respects the interests of public safety and amenity, subject to the following criteria:
h. The design (including any associated lighting and illumination), materials, size and location of the advertisement respects the scale and character of the building on which it is situated and the surrounding area, especially in the case of a listed building or within a conservation area; and
i. The proposal would not result in a cluttered street scene, excessive signage, or a proliferation of signs advertising a single site or enterprise;
The Parish Council considers that this Application should be refused in order to maintain the integrity of this important location within the Nettleham Conservation Area.        
(3)  8 Sutton Close - Mrs S Harris -  Ref: 138588.  Planning application for ground floor and first floor extension including balcony         
The Planning Liaison Committee has No Objection to this Application.
(b)  Appeals, Consents, Refusals and Withdrawals received
 (i)   Appeals - None
 (ii)  Consents/Approval of Reserved Matters – None
(c) Tree Applications 
Ash Tree – Cooperative Car Park  - Cooperative Society -  Ref: 040820 Application to fell one weeping ash to side of car park entrance, within G7  -  No comments 
At 8.24 pm it was proposed, seconded and resolved to suspend Standing Orders to hear views from members of the Public in respect to agenda item 7(a)(2) Unanimous
The Chairman invited the resident to address the Parish Council who stated:
  • The planned update to the old and dated building was, they believed, to be reasonable;
  • The proposals would enhance the existing building which they felt was an ugly 1960’s property;
  • No window would cause the neighbouring properties to be overlooked;
  • 3 new trees were put in place;
  • Additional affordable housing and businesses would result from the proposals;
  • They did acknowledge that parking could be an issue.
The Chairman explained that the Parish Council is a consultee only although does submit comments to the District Council, in respect of planning applications.
At 8.35 pm it was proposed, seconded and resolved to resume Standing Orders and re-open the meeting. Unanimous
Following discussion the Council advised:
  • The role of the Parish Council is to take a balanced view and report back to WLDC;
  • The planting of horse chestnut trees had been considered inappropriate at the site;
  • Highway safety is currently considered an issues and plans for additional vehicles accessing the site is felt as inappropriate and there was some doubt that the proposals would meet highway safety standards;
  • Parking on week days would be an issue;
  • There appears to have been little discussion or consultation with local residents and limited information submitted to WLDC, in terms of detailed plans;
  • Rather than add another tier to an outdated 1960’s looking building, proposals for demolition and redevelopment of the site may be considered more favourably by WLDC Planners.
(a)(2)  Nettleham House, East St Mr & Mrs Subden - Ref: 138603 - Planning application for addition of first floor to existing building to form 3no. 2 bed apartments.  The response for this application is shown as Appendix 2.
It was proposed, seconded and resolvedo approve the comments produced by the Planning Liaison committee but to also include the additional comments made emphasising the road safety, acess and parking issues and the potential for additional parking on the highway.
For: - 7,  Abstentions: - 1 
149/18. neighbourhood Plan Update
The Chairman advised that whilst the Council’s Neighbourhood plans (NP) states it is due for a review within eight years, it is now recommended that this process takes place every five years; this review will commence during 2019 and be completed in 2021.  It was discussed that the review process will be determined by changes required and that the existing NP could be modified and resubmitted, should only minor amendments arise.  However, more significant changes e.g. site allocations may require the holding of a referendum and opportunities to bid for external funding for associated expenses, should also be explored.     
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that a Scoping Working Group be convened from late January 2019 to discuss the Neighbourhood Plan review. Unanimous
At 9.02pm Cllr Williams and Cllr Hill left the meeting room.
150/18. Donation od a commerative tree from LCC
Council were advised that LCC had offered to donate a tree for planting in the parish to commemorate the strong working relationships formed between Officers and Parish Councillors, over a number of years and to also celebrate the range of joint tree work undertaken, within the parish.
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Parish Council approve receipt of a celebratory tree to mark the cooperation between the Council and Lincolnshire County Council.  The type of tree and planting location to be subject to discussion between the LCC Officer and the Parish Council’s Honorary Tree Adviser. Unanimous
At 9.12 pm Cllr Hill returned to the Meeting Room
151/18. Village Hall refurbishment update
Feedback on this item will be provided at a future meeting of the Parish Council.
152/18. Property Committee matters
a) To note the draft minutes of the 30 October 2018 Property Committee Meeting
The contents of the draft minutes were duly noted. Council were advised that trees have been ordered for planting in the Planters located at the side of the local Cooperative store.
b) 2019 – Property Committee Meeting Dates
The dates for the meeting of the Property Committee were noted.
153/18. Feed back from footpath review meeting with Truelove Property and Construction
The Chairman advised that Councillors had met with Truelove Property & Construction to request consideration for the provision of the path/cycleway from the Sudbrooke boundary into the village.  The Company did verbally agree for provision of a permissive footpath, across their land, to the rear of Mulsanne Park, although initially for a five year period.
154/18. Proposed changes to neighbourhood plan site B - Scothern Rd Development
The Chairman advised that Directors from Truelove Property and Construction had recently met with Councillors to set out their proposals to deliver in excess of the 50 housing units limit currently set out in the Neighbourhood plan, for this site.
155/18.  Proposed new development concept by Truelove Property and Construction
The Chairman advised that Directors from the Company had met with Councillors to set out their proposals for development of a site, bordering the North Greetwell boundary.  It was discussed that the Neighbourhood Plan only supports development within the village itself.
156/18.  Council Matters
a) NPC – Protocol for Email Communications
The Chairman advised that this item had been put aside and will not be taken forward.
157/18.  Correspondence
a) Letter – Requesting permission to use metal detector at Bishops Meadow
It was proposed, seconded and resolved  that the Parish Council refuse the request to use a metal detector at the Bishop Palace site. Unanimous
b) Email – Lincolnshire Care Services Directory from LCC
Council were advised that LCC had offered the Council a free copy of their Care Services Directory.
158/18.  Councillors Reports/Future agenda items
No reports received.  Village Hall Update to be included as an item on the next meeting agenda. 
159/18. Date of next meeting The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 16 January 2019 at 7.30pm in the Small Hall, The Old School.
160/18. To resolve to exclude the public and press in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to meetings) Act 1960, to allow consideration to b given to the following sensitive matter
a) Feedback – 6 month annual reviews (staff)
Council were advised that the Village Handy Person and Facilities Assistant had attended their individual six monthly staff review meetings, with the Clerk and Facilities Manager, in line with staffing procedures. 
b) Footpath from Stirlin Development to Mulsanne Park
The Council to arrange a meeting with the Company to discuss the footpath leading from the recent housing development that borders Mulsanne Park.
The meeting closed at 10 pm