Minutes - 8 December 2020

Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council
Held remotely on Tuesday 8 December 2020, at 7.30pm
Present:  Councillors: J Evans (Chairman), P Jenkinson (Vice-Chairman), Mrs J Clayton, Mrs A White  
M Homer, P McNeill, D Newsam, J Barrett, J Radcliffe, A Henderson, C Higham.  
Cllr R Porter joined the meeting at 8.11pm
Also in attendance remotely: Mrs D Locker (Clerk) & 3 members of the public.
Councillors not present: None.  Apologies received from Cllr G. McNeill (WLDC)
Commencing at 7.30pm
The Chairman welcomed those in attendance remotely and advised that the meeting would commence with the opening of the public session. 
Public Forum
Councillor Mrs White (WLDC)
  • Advised that there had been a presentation on the review of the Local Plan at the Leader’s Panel held on 27/12/20.  The Parish Council had also been consulted on areas related to the Local Plan during July 2019 and December 2019
  • LCC have now received additional funding, from the Government, for the provision of, or improvement to cycle ways and footpaths (Active Travel Fund).
Police Report
The newsletter received from the Neighbourhood Policing Team was noted.
The Meeting opened at 7.34pm
148/20.  To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk, prior to the meeting
The Clerk advised that Cllr Porter had submitted his apologies for the initial part of the meeting and would be joining the meeting later.
149/20.  Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations.
No disclosures of interests were received.
150/20.  Notes of the Council’s meeting held on 10 November 2020 to be approved as minutes
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  That the notes of the meeting of the Parish Council, held on 10 November 2020, be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman.  Unanimous - (by those that had been in attendance at that meeting).
151/20.  Clerk’s Report (for information only)
The Clerk updated Council as follows:
  • The Council’s new website went live from 4 December 2020;
  • Actions completed include: Remembrance wreath laying submitted to Nettleham Matters; Cllr Porter now signed up as Councillor; the agreement for the food vendor to use the Mulsanne Park, car park each Saturday is in place and commenced from 21/11/20; details of new property numbers and locations in the parish have been submitted to Tucann; the Council’s agreed budget estimate had been submitted to WLDC; confirmation that village green can be used, by All Saints church, for their nativity scene had been sent. 
  • A recent request had been received, but after publication of the meeting agenda, from the Threshold Church requesting use of the village green for erection of an outdoor temporary structure – 2mx2m to attach a tall stand for a video loop to play: a blessing, prayers, carols, recurring every 15 to 20 minutes between 4pm and 8pm.  Subsequent feedback, following discussion was that the timing of the request left little time for installation; also too late for inclusion of the agenda for consideration by the Council.
152/20.  Financial Matters 
a) To Ratify Payments made – 01/11/20 – 30/11/20
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That Council ratify payments made in November 2020.  Unanimous
b) To consider the Income & Expenditure report as at 30/11/20
The contents of the report were noted.   
c) To consider the Council’s bank account balances at 30/11/20
The bank account statement balances were checked and signed off as a true record by the Chairman.
d) To ratify set up of a 24 month contract for line rental and broadband
The Clerk advised that significant savings had been secured for agreement of a new 24 month contract for line rental at Mulsanne Pavilion and line rental and broadband to the Parish office. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That Council ratify agreement of the new 24 month telecoms contract with BT.  Unanimous
e) To confirm the award of Business Recovery Grant via WLDC
Council heard that WLDC had approved payment of the grant to the sum of £1,334 for closure of the Council’s buildings during November; a further application had also been submitted following movement into tier 3 restrictions from 2/12/20 – although confirmation of a further award, from that date, is awaited.
f)  To agree renewal of Clerk’s annual membership to Society of Local Council Clerks - £45
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That Council approve renewal of the SLCC subscription for £45.  Unanimous
153/20.  Planning Matters
a)To receive/ratify recommendations or observations on the following planning applications:- 
1) 52 Scothern Rd - Ben Cook – 141963
Planning application for a first floor rear extension with pitched roof and dormer windows and a single storey rear extension with flat roof.
Comments received from Planning Liaison Panel: 
The Parish Council are concerned that the proposed second floor extension on the boundary of the plot would deprive the neighbouring property at No50 of natural light, contrary to LP26 of the CLLP, and negatively impacting the neighbouring property’s amenity value. On this basis we object to the application.
2) 62, Scothern Road - A O'Boyle & M Harland - 141868
   Planning application for a two storey side and rear extension
Comments received from Planning Liaison Panel: 
The Parish Council have concerns regarding the locating the wall of the proposed extension being so close to the plot boundary, which at its closest point is only 0.7m away.  We note the proposed side extension would result in a minimum separation between this building and the adjacent building (number 64) would be only approximately 1.5m. The adjacent building has windows facing number 62 so reducing the gap would have a negative impact on their natural light, contrary to LP26 of the CLLP.  We also note that the applicant proposes 3 windows (one at high level) on the wall facing directly onto number 64 impacting the neighbour’s amenity value and privacy.  
We also note that the gap between the proposed extension and the site boundary is too narrow to allow vehicular access to the garage resulting additional car parking to the front of the property, it has not been demonstrated that additional off highway car parking space has been provided on site to meet the requirements of Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan policy D3.
On this basis we object to the application.  It was proposed, seconded & RESOLVED: To approve the comments received from the Planning Liaison Panel and submit these to West Lindsey District Council.   Unanimous
b)  Appeals, Consents, Refusals & withdrawals, Decisions received
i)   Decisions 
  • Harlequin House, 29, Wold View - Mr S Hardy - 141928.  Application for non-material amendment to planning permission 140876 granted 20 May   2020 - changes to arrangement of cladding. Application granted 10/11/2020
  • Richmond Farm, Sudbrooke Lane - Mr Dean Williams - 141667.  Planning application to remove stable block and nissen hut and replace with triple garage with storage above and sun/cinema room, gymnasium.  Application granted - 19/11/2020

ii)  Refusals

  • 17 High Street – Mr L Hughes – 141728.  Prior approval for change of use of shop/residential to residential use only. Refused 23/11/20
c) Tree Application – None 
d) Update on outstanding planning
Cllr Mrs White advised that works towards reinstatement of the ridge and furrow arrangements to the field, off Deepdale Lane, had been started by Larkfleet Homes and the interpretation board will be erected at the site, once works are complete.
154/20.  Council Matters 
a) To review the Council’s Risk Management Assessment
The contents were considered and amendments noted.
b) To receive a Speed Watch update (JR)
A summary setting out the speed indicator data gathered from across the 7 existing sites was considered.  Further contact to be made with the suppliers about accessing additional data options.
At 8.11pm Councillor Porter joined the meeting
c) To consider renewal of Urban grass cutting agreement with Lincolnshire County Council 2021/22
An invitation had been received, from LCC, for the Council to enter into the Urban grass cutting scheme for 2021/22 and be reimbursed by way of a grant of £2,613 (plus a  potential annual increase).  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To accept renewal of grass cutting agreement for 2021/22.  Unanimous
d) To consider developer’s street names off Scothern Rd
Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve the names put forward by the developer.  For - 11; Abstention - 1
e) To consider Covid-19 restrictions & impact for the Council
The Clerk advised that as further restriction had been introduced from 2/12/20, most hirer groups are now unable to meet at or use the Council’s premises – with the exception of use for the under 18’s and for some organised outside sports.  A request had also been received from Nettleham Choir for permission to convene at the Old School car park, to sing carols after a carol service at Church.  Following discussion and consideration of the government guidance.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That the Pavilion changing rooms be closed and the Old School car park not be used by the Nettleham Choir, to meet up for the singing of carols.  Unanimous
f) Items donated from Lawress Hall – inventory update (DN)
Council were advised that following closure, the range of items donated by HMRC with an estimated value of up to £10,000, had been collected and delivered to the Old School and Mulsanne Pavilion, by Cllr Newsam and representatives from the Nettleham cricket and football clubs.  The Council’s inventories and Asset Register are to be updated accordingly.  Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: The Clerk write to the volunteers to express Council’s thanks for their time and hard work given for collection and delivery of the donated items. The plastic chairs, no longer required, to also be disposed of appropriately.  Unanimous
g) To consider the Council’s approach to sustainability (RP)
Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  That Cllr Porter investigate and develop a Council approach to sustainability for the parish.  Unanimous 
h) To review the effectiveness of use of Drop Box (JE)
The Chairman set out that Council was trialling the use of Drop Box to enable Councillors to access meeting papers and key documents, electronically.  Although some initial difficulties in its use were raised, it was recommended that Councillors persevere and its ongoing use will be reviewed, in the near future. 
i) To consider publishing of working group minutes generally or for specific groups 
Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  That notes from the working groups go through the Property Committee and then be published with the Property Committee minutes.  Unanimous
155/20.  Property Committee Matters
a) To consider the Property Committee meeting notes from 24.11.20
Content was noted.
b) To consider sign up to ‘Go Jauntly’ to promote use of field paths & bridleways, around Nettleham
This item was considered at the last Property Committee and confirmation of any financial assistance, from LCC, toward the cost of signing up for the Go Jauntly mobile App, is awaited.        
156/20.  To receive an update from the Neighbourhood Plan Review Group (CH)
No update available.
157/20. Correspondence Received (including general correspondence received for information)
a) To consider request to site textile recycling containers, at Mulsanne Park car park
During consideration of the approach from the provider to site the recycling bank, it was raised that the Council may wish to include recycling of textiles as part of their sustainability role.  Whist it was acknowledged there is currently a textile recycling bank at the Coop car park, it was proposed, seconded & RESOLVED:  To approve the siting of the recycling container at Mulsanne Park, car park,  with proceeds payable to the Parish Council.  For: 6;  Against 5;  Abstention:1
b) Feedback from resident to thank the council for use of the Mulsanne car park, during surface works
The Clerk advised that a local resident had written in to thank the Council following their offer of use of the Mulsanne Pavilion car park, for parking of resident’s vehicles during recent surfacing works, off Lodge Lane.
158/20.  Consultations
a) To consider response to WLDC sustainability, climate change & environment strategy
Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  That Councillor Porter prepare a draft response on behalf of the Council, to be circulated, agreed by Councillors & submitted online by the Clerk. Unanimous
159/20.  Councillors Reports/Future Agenda Items 
  • Promoting fix my street (DN)
160/20.  Date of Next Remote Meeting of the Parish Council – has been arranged for Tuesday 19 January 2021 commencing at 7.30pm 
At 9.59pm it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: to suspend standing orders to enable closed session items to be considered.  Unanimous
161/20.  To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, due to the commercial or sensitive nature of business to be discussed
At 10pm, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: to move the meeting into closed session.  Unanimous
Members of the public left the remote meeting.
162/20.  Closed Session items:
a. To consider a request to review the burial fees charged for deceased former resident
Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To retain the existing interment fee charge for a non-resident.  Unanimous
b. To approve recommendation from Property Committee to agree a 3-year grass cutting contract for April 2021 - 2024 and appoint contractor 
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To approve the recommendation from Property Committee to appoint contractor 2 for a period of 3 years with the option to review after year 1.  For: 7;  Against: 5
c. To consider quotations for replacement of boiler (Small Hall, Old School) & hot water heater (for showers at Mulsanne Pavilion)
Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To approve the cost of replacement of the small hall boiler using the cheapest option.  To defer the decision to replace the Mulsanne Pavilion water heater pending the outcome of a grant application yet to be developed and submitted, for assistance towards the water heater replacement costs.  Unanimous
The meeting closed at 10.20pm
APPENDIX 1 PAYMENTS 1/11/2020 - 20/11/20



(incl. VAT)




Replacement PC & installation



IT support



IT cloud & office calls



Computer lead/connector



Line & broadband - parish office



Archaeology assessment - Swathe



Advice - cemetery extension



Grasscutting - Oct 2020



Hedge cutting - various areas



Top up - petty cash



Bank charges



Payroll contractor



Utilities - Gas & electric (estimate)



Mobile phones rental



Stationery/photocopier paper



Land search fees



Electrical works



Electrical works



Qtrly print & copy costs



September mileage



October mileage



Tree works



Window cleaning



Wi-Fi Old School



Personnel contractor



Winter planting



Annual legionella Mgt - MP



Solar lighting



Works van lease



Salaries, HMRC & pensions



Fuel for van & machinery



Purchase of Defibrillator - MP



Swing seats - Bill Baileys



Monthly Zoom fees





£ 17,606.28